


By Panos Dimopoulos, Valerios Stais

PROJECT: Dungeonmania

Every good GM needs maps. And, sometimes, the maps you envision look like this:

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but the ones you draw come out a little bit...like this?

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We've got you covered!

Join PROJECT: Dungeonmania now and never spend two hours on a squiggly-line abomination ever again. Turn your players' good-natured mocking laughter into breathless exclamations of wonder. Make them say, "For real? Wow!"

And all that, for only 1$!

What we offer

PROJECT: Dungeonmania is a collection of professional, hand-drawn, high-quality maps depicting a variety of dungeon environments. They are made for use in various tabletop RPG's, including the most widespread one. Next time your party discovers an ominous wizard tower in the forest, don't fret; just pull out your wizard tower map and get to exploring!

At higher tiers, each map will also come with professionally written lore, treasure, monsters, traps, and a finetuned boss monster. Of course, you are free to use those or adjust the dungeon to your campaign; we just give you all the tools you need to make GMing a breeze.

The standard project includes three maps, but we will add an extra one for every 1000$ of funding we secure. Who knows how many they will end up being. As the saying goes...we got to catch them all!

And the best part? This is all for 1$!